Thursday, February 16, 2012

Working Together for the Middle Class

Most Americans can agree that the middle class is one of the most important factions in our political and economic society—probably the largest. It is the middle class that represents the United States democracy and stability, the American Dream, and the goal of providing a better life for one’s children.

In today’s economic turmoil, the United States has suffered from a shrinking middle class due to high unemployment and benefits and tax breaks that concern and assist the wealthy, corporations, and investment banks. However, the government officials in Washington are realizing that the middle class is necessary to preserve, and they are passing an important piece of legislation that will help ensure economic security for those Americans.

On Monday February 13, 2012, Republicans in Congress cooperated with the Democrats and passed an extension on the Payroll Tax Cut Bill and an extension on unemployment benefits. The Payroll Tax Cut decreases the payroll tax from 6.2% to 4.2% for the middle class. On average, this is about $40 dollars per week per, and is intended to help stimulate consumer spending and provide growth in the economy.

So, why all of a sudden did Republicans and Democrats work together to help the middle class? One reason could be is that this is an election year, and any party that gives a tax break to the middle class would be reaching out to a large voting bloc. Additionally, the GOP has been consistently associated with being the party of “no,” so maybe they decided to change it up and cooperate to do what is best for the middle class. Or could it be that President Obama’s ratings have been steadily rising and both sides—Democrat and Republican—are riding on his coattails?

No matter what the reason is, Congress collaborated to assist the middle class and the economy. Kudos to that! 


  1. You need to blog more often. I was going to read into what the final decision of this was later tonight for my poll sci 001 but now I don't have to. Thanks for the help
